Why I Need Your Help, Patriots.

Patriots, we are building an independent investigative media outlet for YOU and we can’t do it alone. We have been lucky to pick up a few conservative sponsors, but your donations go a long way.

We Need Your Help, Patriots. Pitch In To Cover Our Politicon Expenses.
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Douglas and Marilyn Ducote Discuss Their Upcoming Book With Governor Mike Huckabee

Douglas Meets Huckabee

US ARMY veteran Douglas Ducote and his wife Marilyn Ducote, a Licensed Professional Counselor and PTSD clinician, discuss their upcoming book, “From Baton Rouge To Baghdad And Back,” with Governor Huckabee.

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URGENT Douglas Ducote’s US Border Directive To President Donald J Trump


President Donald J. Trump must immediately activate the National Guard to military active duty orders under Presidential Command.

As we’ve seen in the past, if President Trump leaves it to individual states to deploy their National Guard, Democrat and RINO Republican governors can and will refuse to follow the order.

At least 200,000+ Read the rest

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