High School Cheerleaders Punished For Supporting President Trump

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses a story about a group of cheerleaders in North Carolina who are in trouble for holding up a Trump MAGA sign.

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Douglas Ducote Talks Red Flag Laws, PTSD, Veterans, and Censorship on Nashville’s 99.7

U.S. ARMY veteran Douglas Ducote visited Nashville’s top conservative talk station, 99.7 WTN to discuss red flag laws, PTSD, veterans, and conservative censorship.

Douglas At Nashville’s 99.7

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Monster Social Media- the Digital Battlefield

There are physical battles and now the 21st century has spawned a different kind of battle, the Digital Battlefield. There are a plethora of Digital Soldiers who love this country and see the writing on the wall, fighting to stay on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube every single day. Even those who have served … Read the rest

Patriots Unite On ‘The War Room’ w/Owen Shroyer

Every Friday between 4-7pET, Owen Shroyer takes calls from veterans to find out their opinions on what is happening as we near the 2020 Presidential election.  Today, U.S. Army veterans Douglas Ducote and American Joe both appeared to discuss their take on several issues including Mueller’s testimony in front of the Judicial House Committee, the … Read the rest

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