Breaking News- Trump Victorious In Federal Court On Immigration

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Russia Again? For The Love Of All Things Holy, CNN. Make Up Your Damn Minds!

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Angel Wife Ruth Martin Tells Her Husband’s Story

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Will A Real America First Candidate Please Stand Up?

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Angel Dad Dan Golvach Tells His Son’s Story

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Breaking News: Americas Laws To Be Changed Under Dem Leadership, And Not For The Good.

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The Dems Hate You, Trump’s Just The Vessel

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote watched the entire Senate Impeachment Trial and brings you his thoughts on that and the State of the Union.

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Warning! Shocking Violence In America, And Those That Enable it

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Live From Nashville: Army Has Safe Spaces Now

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote covers many topics, but most importantly reports on what he learned about the Army’s safe space and trigger word policy.

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American Patriots, Thank You For Standing With Us

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BREAKING! Capitol Grounds “Kill Box” Tour

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EXCLUSIVE!!! Douglas Interviews Senator Amanda Chase

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Jihad In America… Are You Prepared?

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2A Rally In Va. Confusing Facts

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses breaking news related to the Virginia Second Amendment Rally and Lobby Day and your right to carry.

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Angel Dad Endorses The Terrablock Wall

Angel Dad Dan Golvach endorses the Terrablock Modular Wall System and calls for deportation of all illegal aliens on The Douglas Ducote Show.

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Contact Jared Kushner At The White House To Lobby For The Terrablock Wall

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Special Report- War 2020

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses the current situation with Iran and President Trump’s decision to take out Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani.

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Time To Take A Stand Patriots – Join Me January 20th To Protect Our 2A Rights

Team Ducote is headed to Virginia for the January 20, 2020 Lobby Day to stand up to the Democrat Governor and legislature who are attempting to pass an unconstitutional gun ban and confiscation bill. We will be there covering this historic event live from the ground. Please consider making a contribution towards our travel and Read the rest

Patriots… Join Me in Condemning Rep. Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib

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Dear Democrats and Liberals…I got your Impeachment!

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote sends a Christmas message to the Democrat Clown Squad who is leading the sham impeachment witch trial.

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Breaking News – President Trump Has Been Impeached By The House Of Representatives

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