Douglas Ducote Talks 2020 & Beyond with iHeartRadio

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote invited onto iHeart Radio to discuss his Politicon experience and 2020 & Beyond.

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Shocking What Happened Next, Confronting Socialist Supporters

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote conducts one of the most important interviews of his media career with a group of Bernie Bros.

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War and Peace: What I learned at Politicon

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote went to Politicon 2019 to confront Crooked Comey, but found he was surrounded by armed security.

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EPISODE 14: al-Baghdadi, Impeachment, & Politicon

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses the death of al-Baghdadi, the Impeachment Circus, and his trip to Politicon.

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Why I Need Your Help, Patriots.

Patriots, we are building an independent investigative media outlet for YOU and we can’t do it alone. We have been lucky to pick up a few conservative sponsors, but your donations go a long way.

We Need Your Help, Patriots. Pitch In To Cover Our Politicon Expenses.
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Politicon Here We Come: Submit Your Questions Now!

Help Cover Travel Expenses & Equipment Rental. Donate Now.

As you know, we are headed to Politicon this weekend to confront Crooked James Comey and bring you important live coverage.

I want to know who you want me to talk to and what questions you want me to ask.

Head over to for a … Read the rest

Crooked Comey Raking In Millions… I’ll Confront Him.

Donate To Our Politicon Trip Where Douglas Will Confront Crooked Comey

Crooked James is raking in millions. He got a $2M book advance, has a TV mini-series, gets six-figures for speeches, and writes for the Washington Post. Will we ever see justice? I don’t know.

But what I do know, is that my producer was … Read the rest

Someone has to confront Crooked James Comey… I will do it October 26.

Make This Trip Happen. Chip In For Travel.

Fellow Patriots,

We are headed to Politicon, a huge political conference, in Nashville, TN on October 26-27 to confront Crooked James Comey (as he will be a featured guest at this event). I am sick and tired of this two-tiered justice system we apparently have here in … Read the rest

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