Warning! Shocking Violence In America, And Those That Enable it

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Live From Nashville: Army Has Safe Spaces Now

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote covers many topics, but most importantly reports on what he learned about the Army’s safe space and trigger word policy.

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American Patriots, Thank You For Standing With Us

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Ep 31: MUSLIM AGENDA, Destroy America

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2A Rally In Va. Confusing Facts

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses breaking news related to the Virginia Second Amendment Rally and Lobby Day and your right to carry.

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Police Officers and Gun Owners MUST Watch This Video!

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote reports on San Francisco labeling the NRA as a “domestic terrorist organization” and California passing a law that private citizens no longer have to help a police officer in need of assistance.

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WARNING…The Calm Before The Storm Is Happening Now

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses Walmart’s announcement to jump on the gun control bandwagon. 

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Military Vet Had His 1st & 2nd Amendment Rights Stripped For Speaking Out Against ANTIFA!

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses a recent story about a veteran who had his guns taken away because he said that if AntiFa tried to kill him, he’d kill AntiFa.

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