Jihad In America… Are You Prepared?

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Ep 29: America At War, Iran Attacks US Base

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses the Iranian missile strikes on US based located in Iraq and what those in the media are saying.

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Ep 28: Emergency Broadcast, Iranian Terrorists On US Soil

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Patriots… Join Me in Condemning Rep. Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib

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BREAKING NEWS! The Death Of US Troops At The Hands Of Allah

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Over 50,000 Radical Muslims Have Breached Our Border

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Dear Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

US Army veteran and conservative media personality Douglas Ducote delivers a straight forward message to Congressman Ilhan Omar after she complains about a death threat against her.

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Expulsion Process Underway For Rep. Omar, Thank You God

Alabama State Republicans call for Democrat Congressman Ilhan Omar to be removed from Congress after a series of statements including claiming US Armed Forces committed war crimes.

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Breaking News- Two Arrested In NY For Plotting Terrorist Attack

Two New York women plotted to build a bomb for a terror attack, were arrested, and plead guilty in federal court, BUT there was hardly any reporting on this story. Douglas Ducote lays out the details.

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