Russia Again? For The Love Of All Things Holy, CNN. Make Up Your Damn Minds!

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Episode 13: The Mysterious Case of the Missing Cadet

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote delves deeper into the mysterious case of the West Point cadet who was found dead.

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Military Coup Against Trump, Here’s What You Need To Know ASAP

Folks, this is Dustin Gold here, producer at We get hundreds of emails a day from all of you and we truly appreciate them very much.

A couple of days ago, Douglas and I watched a video about the DeepState gearing up to take out POTUS Trump using the military. But last week, we … Read the rest

Episode 12: CNN Busted… Again

U.S. Army veteran Douglas Ducote hammers home on the major points of the week: CNN Busted, Pelosi Tantrum, Gov Incompetence

We Are Almost At Our Goal. Send Us To Politicon To Confront James Comey.
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Dear CNN and MSN… Really???

U.S. Army veteran Douglas Ducote calls out CNN and MSM for continuing to spread disinformation, false narratives, and outright lies.

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Episode 11: Chaos In America

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote breaks down the current state of America and the left’s plan to create chaos all across the country.

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Breaking News- Trump, Ukraine, Impeachment, Heres All You Need To Know

U.S. Army veteran Douglas Ducote breaks down the latest Fake News scandal. The Democrats are calling for Trump’s impeachment again… boring.

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You Won’t Believe This, Is CNN Working For The Trump Campaign

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote reports on CNN’s new town hall which will pander solely to the “LBGTQ community.”

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URGENT MESSAGE- If You Voted For Trump You Are Crazy…per Dr. Allen Frances

Dr. Allen Frances compares President Trump to the most evil dictators in history and says those who voted for Trump are actually crazy. Douglas Ducote unwinds this tangled web.

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