Ep 26: MAGA Institute Launching To Vet GOP Candidates

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Ep 25: Impeachment Circus Is Coming To Town

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses the upcoming Democrat Impeachment Clown Show and the future of America with Producer Dustin.

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Lt Col Allen West Discusses The Border War

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote interviews Lt Col Allen West about the future of the GOP and the ongoing border crisis.

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Douglas Ducote Talks 2020 & Beyond with iHeartRadio

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote invited onto iHeart Radio to discuss his Politicon experience and 2020 & Beyond.

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Trump Supporters At The Ready…it’s Show Time

President Donald Trump stopped by the home of US Army veteran Douglas Ducote, Lake Charles, LA, so Doug went to support the President.

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Dear CNN and MSN… Really???

U.S. Army veteran Douglas Ducote calls out CNN and MSM for continuing to spread disinformation, false narratives, and outright lies.

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High School Cheerleaders Punished For Supporting President Trump

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses a story about a group of cheerleaders in North Carolina who are in trouble for holding up a Trump MAGA sign.

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