Will A Real America First Candidate Please Stand Up?

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Ep 38: WAR POWERS ACT! Republican-led Senate Restricts Trump’s Ability to Retaliate Against Iran!

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses the Senate voting to block President Trump’s ability to retaliate against Iran, plus America First Maria Espinoza.

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Douglas Ducote Talks 2020 & Beyond with iHeartRadio

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote invited onto iHeart Radio to discuss his Politicon experience and 2020 & Beyond.

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War and Peace: What I learned at Politicon

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote went to Politicon 2019 to confront Crooked Comey, but found he was surrounded by armed security.

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High School Cheerleaders Punished For Supporting President Trump

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses a story about a group of cheerleaders in North Carolina who are in trouble for holding up a Trump MAGA sign.

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Tax-Payer Funded Islamic Propaganda Forced On Teachers

In Michigan, public school teachers were subjected to a two-day pro-Islam, anti-American seminar paid for by taxpayers (We The People). Retired US Army SSG and veteran law enforcement officer Douglas Ducote discusses the details.

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