Time To Take A Stand Patriots – Join Me January 20th To Protect Our 2A Rights

Team Ducote is headed to Virginia for the January 20, 2020 Lobby Day to stand up to the Democrat Governor and legislature who are attempting to pass an unconstitutional gun ban and confiscation bill. We will be there covering this historic event live from the ground. Please consider making a contribution towards our travel and Read the rest

Breaking News – President Trump Has Been Impeached By The House Of Representatives

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Douglas Ducote Talks Red Flag Laws, PTSD, Veterans, and Censorship on Nashville’s 99.7

U.S. ARMY veteran Douglas Ducote visited Nashville’s top conservative talk station, 99.7 WTN to discuss red flag laws, PTSD, veterans, and conservative censorship.

Douglas At Nashville’s 99.7

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Enough Already…Why I’m Disassociating Myself From The VFW

American Patriots, please read my letter to the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), and if you care to voice your opinion as well their information is at the bottom of this letter. Thank you and God Bless, Douglas.

Dear K. Williams,

I’ve been a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars for 30 years, and … Read the rest

Facebook Bans ‘Veterans United For Justice’- A Lifeline for Suicidal Veterans

For those of us out here on the battlefield fighting every day to get the truth out against the mainstream media propaganda machine, the crackdown of Conservatives on social media has become a huge thorn in our sides. Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and many more are cutting out our voices, ten-fold, ahead of … Read the rest

The Douglas Ducote Show, Episode 2: Patriots Unite! with US Army Vets Douglas Ducote & American Joe

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“American Joe” is a United States Army Veteran who, like Douglas Ducote, also served in Iraq and Afghanistan, though in different units.

Joe describes himself as a “straight white man, a Christian, who is pro-life, pro-military, and anti-war because I hate seeing what it does … Read the rest

URGENT! Veterans Suicide Hotline. Disconnects. Long Waits.

Fellow Patriots,

Today, I received a phone call from a veteran family who told me the local VA suicide hotline was putting veterans on hold when they called to get help.

I just couldn’t believe it, so I called the hotline myself.

After being run through a few prompt options, I was forwarded to the … Read the rest

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