Breaking News – President Trump Has Been Impeached By The House Of Representatives

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Shocking What Happened Next, Confronting Socialist Supporters

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote conducts one of the most important interviews of his media career with a group of Bernie Bros.

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Breaking News: Fraud In the Medical Marijuana Business Exposed In Lake Charles, La

U.S. Army veteran Douglas Ducote investigates a government sanctioned medical marijuana operation that is scamming veterans and others.

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Enough Already…Why I’m Disassociating Myself From The VFW

American Patriots, please read my letter to the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), and if you care to voice your opinion as well their information is at the bottom of this letter. Thank you and God Bless, Douglas.

Dear K. Williams,

I’ve been a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars for 30 years, and just this year became a … Read the rest

The Douglas Ducote Show, Episode 3: Mueller, Censorship Kills Vets, & More

US Army veteran, Douglas Ducote, discusses Facebook banning him from accessing his veterans’ suicide support page that has actually saved lives.

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URGENT! Veterans Suicide Hotline. Disconnects. Long Waits.

Fellow Patriots,

Today, I received a phone call from a veteran family who told me the local VA suicide hotline was putting veterans on hold when they called to get help.

I just couldn’t believe it, so I called the hotline myself.

After being run through a few prompt options, I was forwarded to the national suicide hotline where I … Read the rest

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