Time To Take A Stand Patriots – Join Me January 20th To Protect Our 2A Rights

Team Ducote is headed to Virginia for the January 20, 2020 Lobby Day to stand up to the Democrat Governor and legislature who are attempting to pass an unconstitutional gun ban and confiscation bill. We will be there covering this historic event live from the ground. Please consider making a contribution towards our travel and Read the rest

Patriots… Join Me in Condemning Rep. Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib

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Ep 27: Second Amendment Under Attack

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote and Producer Dustin Gold discuss the current situation in Virginia and how we got to this point.

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Dear Democrats and Liberals…I got your Impeachment!

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote sends a Christmas message to the Democrat Clown Squad who is leading the sham impeachment witch trial.

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Ep 26: MAGA Institute Launching To Vet GOP Candidates

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Breaking News – President Trump Has Been Impeached By The House Of Representatives

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Ep 25: Impeachment Circus Is Coming To Town

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses the upcoming Democrat Impeachment Clown Show and the future of America with Producer Dustin.

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Breaking News – House Judiciary Committee Approves Impeachment Of Trump

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Big TX Sheriff: All Illegals Are Owned By The Cartel

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Ep 24: Tough Talking TX Sheriff On The Front Lines of the Border War

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Breaking News! IG Horowitz Report FAILED America

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote tears into DOJ IG Michael Horowitz’s testimony and the sham that has become our once great country.

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Dustin Gold The 11th Hour Has Arrived

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Dustin Gold Takes No Prisoners, This Is A Border War

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BREAKING NEWS! The Death Of US Troops At The Hands Of Allah

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Ep 23: Armed Patriots Activated On Border

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Dustin Gold Says Lets The Democrats Destroy America

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The Impeachment Of Trump-Freedom Of Speech, Know The Facts

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote discusses freedom of speech and defamation of character in context to Trump being slandered by the left.

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Dustin Gold Says They Are All Cartel

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Ep 22: Future of the GOP with Lt Col Allen West

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Lt Col Allen West Discusses The Border War

US Army veteran Douglas Ducote interviews Lt Col Allen West about the future of the GOP and the ongoing border crisis.

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Mahgdalen Rose and Dustin Gold Discuss the Future of the GOP

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